Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8.31 -- Halloween costumes in August?!?

Lucas and I had a ridiculously productive day today, which is probably a good thing given that Thursday is my first day back to work. I took him out to breakfast at a bagel deli down the road, hoping it would help Lucas (and myself) to be ready to get moving for the day.

Our list of errands:
  1. Winco (my favorite)
  2. Learning Palace (I got stuff for my welcome bulletin board, a new job board, labels for work boxes and cubbies, and a couple new learning activities for my little ones)
  3. IKEA (I got furniture for my reading area and pillows for the sensory tent...might go back for more)
  4. Trader Joe's
  5. Costco
  6. Lakeshore -- to pick up items I forgot during ESY
  7. My classroom (where I found out that I have 2 more out of district kids placed in my classroom which means a totally full roster)
  8. Safeway -- to get the last few ingredients for dinner that I couldn't find at Winco
  9. Walgreens (hopefully my last ditch effort will take care of these damn blisters)
  10. Waxing
It was a ridiculous day to say the least. Lucas and I were out running errands for 10 hours, with the exception of about 30 minutes when we came home for lunch and to put away groceries. I think the craziest part about the entire day was the fact that we found Lucas's Halloween costume...on August 31st. The fact that it was pouring down rain also seemed rather odd for so late into the summer.

I spent the rest of the evening organizing and cleaning (I lead a super exciting life). I am happy to report that all of the laundry is done and put away, the kitchen is spotless, the pantry and food cupboards are completely organized and Lucas's dresser has been cleaned out and reorganized.

I also have a new plan for September. I put together a meal plan for the month of September which fueled my shopping list. I am hoping I won't have to go back to the store except to get fresh fruits and veggies. We will see how it works! It feels good to have everything organized and prepared for the school year.

Monday, August 30, 2010

8.30 -- Super Uncle, soon to be Super Dad

My brother is an amazing uncle to Lucas. He and his wife are expecting their first child in the coming weeks and I could not be happier for them. They are going to be amazing parents and their son is going to be incredibly lucky to have them as parents. They compliment each other perfectly and have so much fun together. I truly do not believe that James could have found a better woman. They support each other and share hobbies, it's amazing. I think everyone can only strive to find such a great relationship.

We all had dinner at my parent's house last night. Lucas passed out in the car on the way there after asking me as we crossed the Interstate Bridge if it was okay if he took a rest...OF COURSE! This was Lucas when we arrived at my parent's house:

The kid has eyelashes one can only dream about. He actually stayed asleep as I carried him into the house and laid him down on the couch. I had to wake him up an hour and a half later. He must be having another growth spurt with the ridiculous amount of sleep he is getting lately.

Once Lucas decided to wake up, he was super silly and enjoyed showing my brother how he played his Super Why game on my phone. We had a DELICIOUS dinner of salmon, an amazing salad (pears, blue cheese, toasted walnuts, etc.) and a quinoa couscous type salad, with apple crisp for dessert. My mom is an amazing cook. After dinner Lucas and James had a total battle. They wrestled and played. James showed his stellar, but maybe not so safe, swaddling methods that had Lucas completely stuck:

It was absolutely hilarious. Lucas ended the night by reading his book to my brother and Alanna. I love my family. I cannot wait for James and Alanna to give another addition to the Treacy family!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

8.29.10 -- The sweetest boys I know

**Don't worry Jer...I helped Lucas fix the order after I took this picture.**

Yesterday we went to see the Howard's to drop off their things from the beach house. Lucas had the pleasure of waking up both Carly and Jeremy (at 11 and 12 respectively). When we were getting ready to leave Jeremy whispered something to his mom. Then, Jeremy gave Lucas the set of dwarfs that his mom had so sweetly brought back from Disneyland for him.

Now the back story for why she bought him the dwarfs to start with. In 2006 or 2007 (I can't remember which trip it was, I'm sure Donna could tell me) I went on a choir tour with my church and we got to go to Disneyland as one of our stops. I had been watching Jeremy for almost a year at this point and I wanted to find something for him while we were in Disneyland. I settled on these thick rubber dwarfs from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Jeremy had never seen the movie at this point and didn't know what they were, but when given these dwarfs I started an absolute obsession. Jeremy lined the dwarfs up in his bed every night and they had to be lined up in a specific order (God forbid we mess it up). The wall above his crib had streaks of color from the rubber rubbing against his walls. Jeremy dressed up as a dwarf (technically two dwarfs) for Halloween that year. Fast forward...Jeremy is almost 16 now (where have the years gone?!?). I met Jeremy when he was three months old and one of the most precious infants I have ever seen.

Back to the present. Jeremy gave Lucas his set of dwarfs, which was so precious. If you have not seen Toy Story 3 and do not wish for a spoiler, just stop reading here. Jeremy handed Lucas the package with the dwarfs in it and explained to Lucas the role of each dwarf, the order they came in and everything. It was so sweet and reminded me so much of Andy at the end of Toy Story 3. Jeremy has always been a sweet, caring boy and it was amazing to see him sharing these dwarfs with Lucas.

Lucas had never seen Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and we remedied that today. He set the dwarfs up on my bed doing his best to remember what Jeremy had told him, and he remained in the same position absolutely sucked into the movie. I felt so nostalgic and like I was watching Jeremy do the same thing all those years ago. It's amazing how life comes full circle. I am blessed to have so many amazing people in my life to love Lucas and me.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

8.28.10 -- Blisters, Princesses and a Sleepy Boy. Oh my!

After taking a hiatus from walking for 2 weeks (with the exception of a few 6ish mile walks barefoot on the beach), I was back at it this morning. After our 30k in mid-July I gave myself some horrendous blisters, including my first ever blood blister. My feet look like they've been to war. I have consulted specialists at two specialty shoe stores and both of them tell me things along the lines of, "wow, that's the worst I've ever seen" and sadly do not have any new suggestions for how to help my abused feet. So, I decided to give them time. Today we had 12 miles to walk and I elected to go for the flatter route in Portland. Still, by about mile 8 I could feel a new blister on my right foot (or a colony of 3 when I stopped to put a blister bandaid on). Despite the bandaid, they still burst while I was walking (what an awful feeling). I also ended up with one big one on my left foot. Hopefully if I spend the week doing the elliptical (in just socks at home), pilates, yoga and strength training, my body will be ready to walk next weekend despite not doing the midweek walks. My feet need to rest to have a chance in hell at doing 21 miles in two weeks. Blisters suck. (You don't want pictures of this).

After my walk I picked Lucas up from my parents house, where he was for my training yesterday until this morning so I could do my walk this morning. Lucas was super sweet and enjoying some morning snuggles with Grampa watching Batman. They are too funny. Lucas had practiced reading his book to Gramma and Grampa (he is SO proud of himself, which is good because we are all super proud of him too). We then stopped at the Howard's to return their stuff for the beach house they so kindly let us use. Lucas had the joy of waking up Carly (and later Jeremy). He also read them his story. I have another story to share about our visit, but I think I will save it for tomorrow.

Next stop...Courtney's princess party. Shockingly, Lucas refused to dress like a princess for the party, but he happily wore a Spiderman shirt for the occasion. (Side note: Lucas told my mom that he dreamed about Batman last night. My mom asked if Lucas got to be Robin. He looked at her like she was CRAZY and said no, Batman got to be Robin! I love this kid). The highlight of the party was definitely watching the kids whack the pinata. We had a great time and it was wonderful to catch up with Renee (although SO sad that she won't be back this year!)

We made it home around 4:40 or so after Lucas had a lovely meltdown when it was time to clean up and leave Courtney's party. I told him he needed to go and lay down for awhile and told him to set the timer. He chose to not set the timer and just went to lay down. After about 40 minutes he asked if he could come out of his room. I told him just a few minutes and I would come and get him up. When I went in about 15 minutes later he was completely asleep. I tried to wake him up at 6 (I picked him up, snuggled him, kissed him, talked to him) and resigned to the fact that it would take some time. This was after he went back to sleep:

He finally decided to get up around 7:00. He had dinner, completed two reading lessons (like a rock star), got ready for bed, read me a Bob book and went back to sleep. I think he must be growing. I think the super short jammies that are a size 4 and were too big at the beginning of the summer might be a slight indicator...apparently they are going to be capris now. He insisted on wearing them tonight, but they will be retired after this evening.

Friday, August 27, 2010

8.27.10 -- Don't be too jealous...

...but this is how I spent my day:

Yup that's right...four hours of IEP Online training. YAY! Hopefully I can find better ways to spend the remaining free time between now and our first pre-duty day! I have 11 long miles to walk tomorrow. Let's hope the blisters will stay away and my body will cooperate after a few weeks off.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

8.26.10 -- Cloudy days

When it looks like this outside:
And it has been in the 90s and hot and almost unbearable lately. This is how we chose to spend the first cold day in awhile:
It also helps that Lucas just came home from his Dad's house yesterday after his longest stay ever (five days). He is usually pretty happy to have a lazy day or two to get back into the swing of being at home. One of his favorite things to do is to snuggle with his favorite blankie (I don't know how that well-loved thing is still in one piece, even with the mending) and watch a movie. Today, the movie of choice is Transformers 2.

I just finished prepping dinner for the next two days. I am marinating chicken breasts in a garlic herb marinade that smells amazing for dinner tonight. For tomorrow I prepped a pork roast -- garlic studded and a dry rub to sit until tonight, then I will let it slow roast overnight. It should make for some amazing shredded pork tacos tomorrow night! And I also brewed a pitcher of ice tea sweetened with a homemade simple syrup. It is delicious!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

8.25.10 -- Just keep swimming

Lucas began swimming two summers ago in a tots and mom swimming class. Then last summer we began classes again and it was his first time in the pool with an instructor without me. However, he has always had Logan (his best buddy) in his swimming classes with him. Since last summer he has continued in classes without breaks and has made tremendous progress. I am SO proud of him! He is now a level 3 (Barracuda). He is able to swim about 10-15 feet unassisted. He needs to work on getting a little bit more comfortable doing a front float and a back float, but he is awesome when he is moving. I cannot express how proud I am of him. I also am SO happy that we found something that he absolutely LOVES. I am not sure what else he is going to want to take on this fall (he's discussed soccer or martial arts), but I know that he's going to stick with swimming for awhile.

And yes, I know you can see the kid's ribs, but he seriously eats more than I do. I have no idea what else to do to help him gain weight, but he's been stuck at 37.6 pounds for the last couple of months. At this rate, I don't know if he is ever going to get out of his car seat and into a booster! He turned 4 1/2 yesterday and we are not any closer. I believe he weighed about 36 pounds when he turned 4. He seems to just get taller and skinnier regardless of how much he eats! Clearly he takes after his father in that respect (and his uncle).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8.24.10 -- A little bit of progress

I have avoided going into my classroom like the plague. When I went in after ESY was over (I had to return all of my materials to my classroom), I planned to work on getting my classroom set up for awhile. However, that plan was thwarted because they had not yet cleaned the carpets in our building. When I went back in yesterday my classroom looked the same. Like this: I am pretty sure this is the worst it has ever looked after the carpet crew has come in. Stuff is usually pushed to one wall, but never pushed into less than a fourth of my classroom. As a result of this sight at the end of July, I waited more than a month to come back and try to make sense out of the chaos. Well, today was the day...and the picture from above is what it looked like when I came in.

Five hours later this is what it looked like:
View from the table by my desk of most of the classroom, except for the sensory/gross motor area.
Sensory/gross motor area (not done setting it up) and the only two desks in my classroom (I can't believe I only have 2 older kids this year!)
The view when you enter my classroom.
A different view from the door into my classroom.

I still need to get my calendar and circle time area set up, as well as my reading center. I need to finish up my sensory area and make some posters and other things for the room, but all in all I am feeling much more prepared for another year to begin.

Monday, August 23, 2010

8.23.10 -- Hippo-Monkey Rock

I have written about Hippo Monkey Rock before. It is both our landmark for where the stairs are to get back to the house and a thrilling psychological assessment to give to friends. However, as I said in yesterday's blog. JJ and I climbed up hippo-monkey rock at 2 in the morning...quite the accomplishment. I cannot believe I hadn't done that in the previous million trips to the coast!

I drove home from the coast today. It's supposed to be super hot tomorrow...I'm kind of regretting the decision at this point. It was so beautiful down at the coast all weekend. The weather forecast was really off.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

8.22.10 -- Oh, what a night!

I enjoyed another mellow day at the beach and more practice with being alone. Cami worked until 4:30, and I decided to steer clear of going downtown for the day. Cami came over after work and we had a lovely afternoon of snacking and watching the food network and enjoying beverages with silly animal stir sticks. It was making out to be a day much like how we spent our time at the coast in high school and college (although we would have been watching chick flicks, not the food network). We played the fortune game...which is still as funny as it was in high school and just as ridiculous. Around 10 we decided to head to the Warren House to meet up with some of Cami's friends for Sunday night Karaoke and some yummy beer. We pretty much closed the bar down and then went back to the house to hang out for awhile. We took a walk down to the hippo-monkey rock at about 2 in the morning and JJ and I decided to climb it. Seriously...not my brightest idea to do barefoot, but it seemed like a good idea at the time! It was a funny night and I had a blast.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

8.21.10 -- How to be alone.

So a couple of weeks ago my friend Carrie (and others) posted a video from YouTube about how to be alone. I have never realized before that I kind of suck at being alone. I fill my days with activities for Lucas and myself and I rarely actually spend time alone. If I am at home alone, I clean, play on the computer, read a book, or just get out of the house so that I am not alone. I realized today that I have NEVER in my entire life gone somewhere completely by myself. I had people meet me there, I had plans to see people...there is always something. Originally, the plan was for Mike, Nikki and Brad to be at the beach...or for Nikki and Jami to come to the beach. Basically it was not going to just be me. However, that didn't work out and I got to do some good soul searching today. Cami and I had plans to hang out when she got off work, but that left me with about 12 hours to spend by myself. I went for a long walk on the beach and realized that the jellyfish continue to haunt us (I really am sorry for torturing you all those years ago jellyfish...we had to dispel the myths we had heard about being able to jump higher or hear that weird noise when you were smooshed...and let's be honest, it wasn't even whole jellyfishes on the beach!). However, the one I saw today was definitely still intact. So weird. I also read the first two thirds of Eat, Pray, Love...a book I have picked up and put down and never made it through. However, it was the perfect book for me to read this weekend. I absolutely love it and now I desperately want to see the movie! I managed to make it until about 4:30 with just the company of myself...all in all I think I did pretty good. Then, I decided to go into town. I went and visited with Cami at the bookstore for awhile and got Lucas a great new book. Then, I wandered around town for awhile before I headed back to the beach house until Cami got off work. I met her at the bookstore at 8:00 to hang out with Cami while she closed the store. We went to the Castaways 'Tini Tiki Hut for dinner. It was AMAZING. Seriously. I think I am in love with my dinner. We had this amazing crab and artichoke heart ravioli with this amazing garlicky cream sauce and the best garlic bread. Oh my gosh, I think I am getting hungry again just thinking about it. We ended our evening at the Driftwood, because really where else would we go? It was a good balance though...time alone and lots of thinking followed by time with other people. I get to practice being alone again tomorrow...what will I do with myself?

My dinner...accompanied by Heaven in a Glass (seriously, that's the name).

Friday, August 20, 2010

8.20.10 -- Skirt Steak Fajitas

For my new recipe of the week I made a cilantro lime marinated skirt steak fajita. It was pretty damn amazing, if I do say so myself...especially with my homemade guacamole! Yum! I am loving trying new recipes.

I drove down to the coast today. I am staying at the Howard's house in Tolovana Park by myself...which is a new adventure in and of itself. I have never gone on a trip by myself. It is very strange to be completely alone somewhere. I dropped Lucas off at his dad's house around 2 with his sister, brother and step-sister and enjoyed an uneventful drive down to the coast. The weather is beautiful, I really couldn't have picked better weather. I made my delicious dinner after a 5 mile walk on the beach. I could get used to this...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8.19.10 -- How I spent the last week

If you have not read the Milennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson, you are seriously missing out! In the last week I have read all three books. I could not put them down. Larsson is an amazing storyteller who managed to weave 1800 pages of writing into the most amazing, twisted story I have read in a very long time. He was able to put enough twists and turns in that there were surprises, or it took a long time to figure out where he was going with his plot. I absolutely loved these books and wish that he had published more before his death! If you have not read these, go get them. Now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

8.18.10 -- !!!=Intentional Happiness

You know what makes me happy? When Lucas naps without a fight or having to be forced. I wish he wasn't so stubborn about it, because he is SUCH a happier kid when he gets enough sleep. Today was the fourth day in a row he took a nap. Sure, he is lying on the floor in his sleeping bag, but it wasn't worth a battle if ultimately the result was going to be an actual nap...and not just a nap, but a nap that lasted over two hours and I needed to actually wake him up! He was awesome at swimming lessons and played long and hard at Kids Club and came home and went to bed without a problem. I can't complain.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8.17.10 -- Hello, Nostalgia!

When I was a junior in high school, Donna and Craig (the parents of the children I nannied for since I was 12) entrusted my girlfriends and I with the keys to their beach house. I will never forget our first trip to the beach. We were 16 years old and we thought that it was AMAZING to have such freedom. We were not what you would consider a wild and crazy bunch, but we thought we were pretty cool. Their beach house was in Tolovana Park (near Cannon Beach). We got lost the first time we went for a walk on the beach (we hadn't bothered to pay attention to which set of stairs led back up to the house) and had to walk on the street to get our bearings and figure out how to get there. After that walk, we learned to pay attention to the hippo-monkey rock (a psychological test for every person we would ever allow to venture on a trip with us) and we never got lost again. On the same trip, we had talked to friends who were going to be at the beach the same weekend. As this was time before cell phones, we gave them the number to the beach house to meet up with them at some point. We decided to take the phone with us out to go in the hot tub in case they decided to call. Being that we are girls and tend to scare easily, we had compulsively been locking doors. When we got out of the hot tub we realized we locked ourselves out of the house...oops. This would turn into something I would still hear about a decade later. We had to call a locksmith who came to the house to find three girls in bikinis staying warm in the hot tub while he figured out that the locks were too rusty to get in and he had to put new locks on the house...and this was just the first trip of many to the house.

Going to the beach became common place for us. We spent a few weekends there each year at the generosity of Donna and Craig and it always was our retreat. It was a place we could go and relax and just enjoy time away. I have some of the best friends in the world and some of my best memories all come from that house. Sitting in the chair in the living room reading a book, listening to the ocean and looking at haystack rock made me remember all of those good times today. I am so blessed and fortunate to still be close with the friends who gave me these wonderful memories. No matter how much time goes by or how infrequent conversations may be, these are going to be some of my best friends for the rest of my life and I am so incredibly fortunate.

I made a discovery when I went to lock the doors -- Donna and Craig replaced all of the doors in the house so they only have deadbolts. I guess they didn't want anyone else to lock themselves out :)

I taught Lucas to play Blockis today. He beat me.
In high school and college, this bed could fit at least three of us. Last night, Lucas proved to me that apparently he needs a king sized bed to sleep comfortably. He was kind enough to give me about 8 inches to sleep on. I don't understand why he insisted that we share the big bed...I think he would have been happier having a bed all to himself!

Monday, August 16, 2010

8.16.10 -- A break from the heat!

After several days in the 90s I was ready to get away from Portland for a couple of days. I like summer, but I would much rather have my summer stay in the 70s or low 80s than get any hotter. With summer raging in, we decided to get out of town. After Lucas's dentist appointment (his teeth were perfect) we headed for the coast. Our first stop was to surprise Cami with our arrival at the beach -- we stopped by the book store, but she had the day off. We called and headed toward Seaside to get gas. Then Cami called! YAY! Cami and I had a great day catching up on the beach and walking Lucas jump through the waves. We met up with Cami for dinner at Bill's and then i got to have a carpet picnic (well...we would have had a carpet picnic if there was anymore carpet in the house) and I got to read the article featuring Cami on the front page of Cannon's Beach's newspaper! It was wonderful to spend time with Cami and Lucas at the beach.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

8.15.10 -- My reading man!

We have been focusing on learning how to read for about two weeks now and I am so proud of the progress Lucas is making! I know that I have already bragged about the first words he read but tonight he read an Entire book from Bob Books Collection 1!! I cannot figure out what he did with book #1, but tonight he read book #2 (Sam) in its entirety with the exception of about 3 words he needed help with! I cannot even express how proud of him I am, nor can I stop bragging! I love my little man and I think he is amazing.

Also, I cannot even begin to express how awesome I think Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is for teaching young children to read!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

8.14.10 -- Fun in the Sun

The sun and heat definitely came rushing in this week! We hit the gym in the morning for pilates and when we came out Lucas insisted on playing at the park and it was already super warm out! We lasted about a half an hour before we were melting and headed for home. Lucas spent the night with my parents tonight. He had an absolute blast playing in the sprinkler in the backyard before I left. I had a great time (as always) at dinner with the Howard family. We went to The Vista Spring Cafe in SW Portland and it was absolutely delicious! After dinner I enjoyed an interesting (to say the least) evening with Brad and his roommates. All in all a good Saturday.

Friday, August 13, 2010

8.13.10 -- Blue Lake Park

We had a blast at Blue Lake Park today! Lucas played on the playground and we had a picnic before Nikki arrived with Logan and Greyson. It is so great to watch Lucas and Logan play together. I seriously could not have asked the world for a better friend (or buddy) for Lucas in life than Logan. It is also super sweet to watch them include Greyson. I am feeling very thankful to the world today.

8.12.10 -- A vist from Ale!

Lucas and I had a great time meeting Gramma and her friends with assorted daughters and grandchildren at the park. Lucas, of course, fell asleep in our hour (ouch!) commute home from Lake Oswego. I was so excited to have Ale spend the night (picture is coming, I hope) along with his sister on his way up to Lake Stevens for his first half Iron Man! It was so wonderful to see him for the first time in five years! I always love that even with that many years of absence a friendship can still be so strong :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8.11.10 -- Fun with Friends

What a hilarious evening! After a busy morning running errands all over town (Costco, Winco, Safeway) and then fighting Lucas to take a nap most of the afternoon (I seriously don't know why I even bother anymore) we headed to Kid's Club before swimming. Lucas played on the play structure for about 45 minutes before his swimming lessons and I was able to knock out three more chapters from my book (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo -- read it. Now.) Lucas and Logan had a great swimming lesson and we headed back to the Halstead's for dinner.

When we arrived Nikki made me a Bubble 07. I must admit that I was very skeptical of this drink. I tried a shot of bubble gum vodka last week and was kind of grossed out. However, I must admit that Nikki has now changed my opinion. I can admit that I was wrong and it was rather tasty...but I think I could only handle one, they are awfully sweet!

After dinner and drinks Nikki and I left the boys with Mike and went for a walk (or two) around the neighborhood. When we came back...we saw the sights that are above. The boys (we learned later with the help of Mike) turned the backyard into a water park complete with slide and pool. Greyson was in charge of the hose and Logan and Lucas kept the circuit of going down the slide. Nikki and I thought that Greyson would want a turn and tried to convince the boys to take turns...but Greyson wanted no part in anything except for the hose. By the time they were done they were soaking wet from head to toe. They are such silly boys. They had an amazing time together and it was great to see them all play so nicely together.

Another highlight of the evening -- We were watching Speed of Life on the Discovery Channel and I am pretty sure we came up with an ingenious new show! They need to record these shows with children doing the commentary. Listening to the things that Lucas, Logan and Greyson had in response to the commentator and what they had on screen was absolutely hilarious and helped to distract us from some of the horror. It was a great night with great friends.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8.10.10 -- Oaks Park, head bumps and shrimp scampi

Lucas's first time on the roller coaster -- he got nervous the first time we went down and around a curve, but he thought it was pretty awesome.
He LOVED the boat that rocked and swiveled around in circles.
The little stinker wouldn't stop spinning our hot air balloon during the entire ride. Between this and the tilt-a-whirl I was starting to wonder when I got too old for rides. They never used to make me dizzy!

Lucas was playing in the living room while I was doing the dishes and I heard a crash. I turned off the water and ran into the living room to find Lucas on the ground between the couch and the coffee table. He told me that he had backed into the table, but I don't think that made much sense. I am assuming he was rough housing on the couch with Oscar and fell. He has a pretty big knot on the back of his head, but at least it only bled for a little while. I got him to lay with his head on a bag of peas and that seemed to help a bit. I suppose these are the natural consequences of rough housing on the furniture when he knows he is not supposed to...especially in that room.
I made yummy shrimp scampi for dinner -- the sauce had olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, green onions and parsley and was amazing. I know it looks like butter, but it definitely was not. Lucas also loved it!

Enter text here.Lucas is typically not a pasta kid...go figure that he would inhale plain, whole wheat spaghetti. Silly boy!

Monday, August 9, 2010

8.9.10 -- Sick little boy

I asked Lucas if he wanted to go to OMSI this morning...and he told me no. I honestly don't think this has ever happened, usually it's me saying no! This should have been my first hint to the fact that Lucas wasn't feeling 100%. However, I just assumed he was tired from a busy weekend at his dad's house. Around 11, I finally convinced him that we really needed to get out of the house and we went to Kid's Club to place since it was fairly cold outside. He played until about 1 and I think I had the easiest time ever getting him out of there. However, what shocked me the MOST was that when we got home I told Lucas it was time for a nap and he did not argue me at all. Seriously. Not even a word against taking a nap! Oscar went in to nap with Lucas and I am not quite sure what happened, but Oscar ended up scratching Lucas and there were tears. I kicked Oscar outside and went back to check on Lucas. While drying his tears I noticed he was rather warm. Well, I guess it all makes more sense. He has a fever teetering just below 100. I am hoping that after a lazy afternoon on the couch watching a movie after his nap that hopefully he will wake up fever free and we will be able to make it to Oaks Park for their preschool morning!

What is rather ironic about Lucas being sick is that I was taking all sorts of crap from Jeff and his family for not letting Lucas be in Jeff's nephew's wedding today (at 7 pm) and now Lucas has a fever. Maybe it was mommy's intuition that it just wasn't a good idea...