Wednesday, July 21, 2010

7.21.10 -- Lucas's best friend

Lucas and Logan have been best friends since the womb. It is a good thing that they decided to agree with Nikki and I that they would be friends. When they were little and barely talking yet, they referred to each other as "buddy". Now at four they are best friends and way too funny. They have their moment where they are such brats to each other, but Greyson (Logan's little brother) is always there to put them in their place. At lunch today he told each of them to be quiet when they were both losing their minds. It's a good friendship. I look forward to watching it continue to grow over the years.


Sara said...

That is so cute!!! J&J have best friends, but their momma and I don't get along too well at the best of times. It will be interesting what the years bring. :)

Rose said...

That would be hard! Maybe it's not good...but outside of school Lucas only has friends who I like their parents. I suppose someday that is going to have to change...