Lucas and I began our day at the Children's the Howard's are not early risers as we are. However, Lucas slept past 8 which was AMAZING. I would like a repeat performance of that on my next day off (meaning Friday). He really enjoyed the new pet hospital exhibit. I sadly missed a picture of Lucas and Carly on the trampoline, which was HILARIOUS because I talk too much. However, I did capture Jeremy and Lucas playing Batman during lunch which was one of the sweetest things I had seen in a long time. Lucas vetoed loving on Mommy during most of the day because he had Jeremy and Carly. I don't blame him though...they are pretty awesome kids :) After lunch we showed Jeremy and Carly (and Donna and Craig) the Pirate Park. This is one of my favorite parks that I have found in the Portland area. We also met Brendan and Selena with sweet baby Kaleb there and fun was had by all. Lucas was being Batman on the slide...let's all take a moment to be surprised! After the park we went back and played the beginning of Dragonology (which was super fun) and watched some old videos of Jeremy and Carly (which were adorable and hilarious at the same time). Then, we all went to see Toy Story 3, which was AMAZING and a great end to the trilogy. This is the beautiful painting that Donna made me for my birthday. It is already hanging on the dining room wall.
Lucas and I are lucky to be so loved. Thank you guys!
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