Wednesday, July 28, 2010

7.28.10 -- Parents on deck

This week was Parents on Deck at swimming. I didn't get as many good pictures as I would hope for, but I am really proud of Lucas and the progress he's made in the last year. He is swimming by himself, learning how to breathe while swimming longer distances and learning to roll from his tummy to his back. He successfully dove down to the bottom of the pool (it isn't too deep) and retrieved items by himself! I am glad that he loves swimming and it is something he is so successful with. After swimming he, Logan and Greyson played on the play structure for 90 minutes. I had a very sleepy boy who was ready for bed when we got home!

1 comment:

Sara said...

AW! Love that he is doing so well swimming. James is doing the diving thing to get coins and stuff. The whole body swimming is still a work in progress. Jesse, well, girlfriend is not very graceful. She swims like a champ with her life vest on. :D