Friday, July 30, 2010

7.30.10 -- Fun with Jami!

I love my child...but good god was I ready for a break after being with him constantly for the last three weeks. When you are a mom, your child always comes first and somehow you seem to lose yourself. I enjoy those moments when I can reclaim time just being a woman, without everything else. Tonight was one of those nights. I feel like I haven't seen Jami AT ALL (which is untrue, I've seen her a few times this summer), which is bizarre because we spend a ridiculous amount of time together during the school year. Tonight she came over after Jeff came to get Lucas and we FINALLY ironed out the schedule until January (which better mean NO MORE ARGUING AND BULLSHIT). I have a ridiculously expensive piece of paper that says when each of our visits are and somehow it is still always a battle. I hate it. Anyway, Jami and I went shopping and then to our favorite thai place for dinner and drinks. It, as always, was amazing. The bartender there is great (makes really delicious, strong drinks), but we found out he is moving to Hawaii in search of a home with an avocado tree which was a very sad thing to hear. This is a picture of my dinner. Chicken Pad Thai...seriously, I cannot think of many things that make me more happy. Mmmmm...perfectly spicy.

And as an added bonus...this is Lucas at Costco this morning. He was a (fairly) good boy during our three hour adventure of running errands. I love this kid, he is such a goofball!

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