Tuesday, July 6, 2010

7.06 -- Last day :(

I often wonder why the very BEST weather occurs on the last day of a vacation. Today it was HOT on the beach. Lucas played in the ocean and we took a nice walk on the beach while my parents watched the World Cup game (we got back in time to see the major action of the game). It was absolutely beautiful and Lucas had so much fun. We definitely need to utilize the beach cabin more frequently. I always forget how much I love it there until I am actually in the moment.

Now I am home...unpacked (sort of) and trying to sort through the ridiculous amount of laundry we went through while gone. It is nice to be back, but there is a part of me that wishes we weren't. Tomorrow I walk 25k (or 15.5 miles). I am feeling pretty anxious about it, but I am sure it will be fine. At least we will done before the heat arrives!

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