Jeff (4:22 pm): Text me the address please its in the car with me somewhere but can't find it (SHOCKING!)
Me: 13914 NW 3rd Ct 98785 (This is the address for Lucas's swimming lessons. I gave Jeff a post it on Monday with the address and telling him to be there NO LATER than 4:40...lessons start at 4:55)
Me: Oops 98685
Me: How far away are you
Jeff: By 84 (on a day with NO traffic it would take about 25 minutes)
Me (10 minutes later): Where are you now?
Jeff (4:48): Not moving on the bridge...I'm gettin sick of all this traffic every time! (Because CLEARLY it is the TRAFFIC's fault that you're late?!?! is rush hour in Portland...LEAVE THE HOUSE EARLIER!!! GOOD GOD! This is the man with a MILLION's never his fault)
Lucas showed up for swimming at 5:15...completely asleep in his car seat (like sweating and drooling asleep) . He swam like a rock star for the last 10 minutes of his lesson...but COME ON. Who does that? Just ONCE I want him to show up on time and do what he is supposed to. Man up and be a responsible parent. GOOD GOD!
I honestly do not believe that in the 8 years that I have known Jeff that he has EVER once accepted responsibility for any of mistakes...not to me, not to his ex, not to anyone. It is ALWAYS someone else's fault and I cannot stand it. Give me a break, man up and take responsibility for your choices!!!
Ugh...okay...rant over.
Tomorrow is the last day of week one for ESY. I am looking forward to a weekend right about now. I mentally need a break to try to figure something out. I'm exhausted mentally and physically and something's gotta give.
:( BIG HUGS! I wish I had some sage advice, but I don't. You have a deep well of patience, I'm not surprised it is feeling a little low right now. Fill 'er up with some alcohol?
What's funny, is that I have little to no patience for grown ups. I think with him...I have just come to expect it to be this way. It's pathetic...but it's who he is.
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