Saturday, July 31, 2010
7.31.10 -- Pig Roast V
Friday, July 30, 2010
7.30.10 -- Fun with Jami!
And as an added bonus...this is Lucas at Costco this morning. He was a (fairly) good boy during our three hour adventure of running errands. I love this kid, he is such a goofball!
7.29.10 -- Last day of ESY! YAY!
- I got one of my students to say more words than she typically does in her normal classroom...I would like to take her back to my normal classroom during the school year
- I met one of the happiest kids I have ever seen...he was HILARIOUS! He liked to speak "spanish" to me.
- One of my students was one of the sweetest kids I have ever had the pleasure of teaching and he had fabulous parents.
- One of my students I normally teach is reading! YAY! (well, when she isn't be aggressive or naughty)
- We survived!
- Teaching 7 kids with special needs in a classroom intended for art without my normal materials is ridiculous.
- The person in charge is a passive aggressive wench who doesn't understand SpEd
- The amount of prep and packing to teach in a different classroom wasn't worth it.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
7.28.10 -- Parents on deck
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
7.26.10 -- fun in the park
Another highlight from today...I got my stickers from "Bad Mommy Moments" That definitely made my evening. I wish I would have gotten the picture of Lucas throwing a complete temper tantrum over his dinner. What was funny was as soon as I got out the stickers and the camera he quit with the tears. Lucas took a nap from 5:00-6:30 and I honestly didn't think he was going to wake up for dinner, so his dinner is a bit odd...but overall pretty normal for him. He got mad at how I mixed his hot sauce into his soy sauce...some days there is just no pleasing this child. Oh well, what are you going to do?
Sunday, July 25, 2010
7.25.10 -- Lacamas Half Marathon
Today was a very hot day for a half marathon, but it felt pretty damn good. This was the second half marathon that I have completed (the first was Helvetia on June 12th). I completed Helvetia in 3:01:36 and today I finished in 3:04:33. I was hoping to break the three hour barrier, but given the heat and the miles on the gravelly trail, I was pretty happy with this finishing time. Despite the blisters on my feet and feeling a little dehydrated, I am in a great mood today and I have a surprising amount of energy. I think my body is going to bounce back a bit faster from this than it did from Helvetia. I am starting to think about the full marathon in Portland on 10.10.10. It is going to be a long, but fun, day!
I am a walker, I don't pretend by any means to be a runner. I tried jogging and my knees rejected that early on. With a limited amount of remaining cartilage and five knee surgeries I probably should have known prior to starting that running wouldn't be my forte. However, I am stubborn (you're shocked, I know) and I had to give it a shot. I am a fairly quick walker and I really am enjoying myself. You know the one part that I don't enjoy about walking half-marathons? The runners. Not all of them mind you, just the assholes who think they are better than everyone else. If you want to go by us...let us know, my eyes in the back of my head only work when Lucas is around or I am at school. I don't need to know that you are a runner (seriously...people yell "runner" as they pass's kind of ridiculous), I need to know which side of me you are passing on. Furthermore, you aren't going to win. If you are passing me more than halfway through the race...that means you are a slow runner. Just calm down and enjoy yourself like the rest of us. It was these few grumpy runners that cast a small shadow on the day. Then I remembered that they were dumb and I needed to calm down. I was alright and got back to enjoying the sunshine, beautiful views of the lake, and the great company!
I am a walker, I don't pretend by any means to be a runner. I tried jogging and my knees rejected that early on. With a limited amount of remaining cartilage and five knee surgeries I probably should have known prior to starting that running wouldn't be my forte. However, I am stubborn (you're shocked, I know) and I had to give it a shot. I am a fairly quick walker and I really am enjoying myself. You know the one part that I don't enjoy about walking half-marathons? The runners. Not all of them mind you, just the assholes who think they are better than everyone else. If you want to go by us...let us know, my eyes in the back of my head only work when Lucas is around or I am at school. I don't need to know that you are a runner (seriously...people yell "runner" as they pass's kind of ridiculous), I need to know which side of me you are passing on. Furthermore, you aren't going to win. If you are passing me more than halfway through the race...that means you are a slow runner. Just calm down and enjoy yourself like the rest of us. It was these few grumpy runners that cast a small shadow on the day. Then I remembered that they were dumb and I needed to calm down. I was alright and got back to enjoying the sunshine, beautiful views of the lake, and the great company!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
7.24.10 -- The Jehovah's Witnesses Return...
Friday, July 23, 2010
7.23.10 -- Lazy Day
Thursday, July 22, 2010
7.22.10 -- "Only ugly kids get beat"
I have my second half marathon on Sunday. I am super excited and hoping to beat my time from Helvetia despite the 95 degree forecast! We shall see how it goes...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
7.21.10 -- Lucas's best friend
Lucas and Logan have been best friends since the womb. It is a good thing that they decided to agree with Nikki and I that they would be friends. When they were little and barely talking yet, they referred to each other as "buddy". Now at four they are best friends and way too funny. They have their moment where they are such brats to each other, but Greyson (Logan's little brother) is always there to put them in their place. At lunch today he told each of them to be quiet when they were both losing their minds. It's a good friendship. I look forward to watching it continue to grow over the years.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
7.20.10 -- This is what grumpy looks like...
Monday, July 19, 2010
7.19.10 --Jack clearly doesn't know women...
So...when you are stuck in traffic for over an hour, this is SERIOUSLY not what you want to see on the side of a truck. While I like my salads (and trust me I can make a better salad than Jack), it still doesn't compare to diamonds.
Anyway, today was a great day. I seem to be having a lot of those lately...and I am pretty happy about that. ESY was super easy today (we only had four kids out of eight show up) and I was done by noon. I came home and hung out with Lucas and cleaned all of the bedding and laundry in our house (definitely a job that is satisfying when complete, but a pain in the ass when you are doing it). However, I made the mistake of waiting until shortly after 4 to drive Lucas down to my parent's house to stay the night so we could go and see Inception (which is a very good, thought-provoking, although SUPER-long movie). I left to drop Lucas off at 4:10 and did not make it home until shortly after 6...traffic was that bad. Yuck.
After making it home I made a yummy dinner (pork tenderloin, quinoa (not grits) and a salad with fresh greens from my mom's garden). Dinner would have been perfect if I hadn't burnt my thumb on the pan. No matter how many years I have cooked, I still burn myself way too often. So this weeks new thing I cooked was Pork Tenderloin my mom's way. It turned out nice and tender, which isn't surprising...she's an amazing cook. I also made Filet Mignon for the first time on Saturday (usually I do rib-eyes). Now to think about what to make next week!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
7.18.10 -- A great day
Lucas and I are lucky to be so loved. Thank you guys!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
7.17.10 -- 30 before 30
After an interesting 10 miles on the Leif Erickson trail in Forest Park (uneven terrain with lots of rocks that did not make my knees very happy) Lucas and I spent the morning at Kid's Club (more time that did not make my knees happy). I was reading a blog and I am currently reading a book which made me think that there are a lot of things that I would like to accomplish before I turn 30...but I wonder if I can come up with 30 of them...
- Complete a full marathon and many more half marathons!
- Take Lucas to Disneyland
- Go back to Mexico
- Try a new recipe each week
- Go whale watching
- Redo the bathrooms
- Redo the back patio
- Put a garden in the backyard
- Build Lucas a play structure (with help...lots of help)
- Lose 15 pounds (get down to my ultimate goal weight)
- Read 30 books for fun
- Enroll in a program to complete my second masters...most likely in administration
- Knit something
- Complete Lucas's photo books/scrapbooks for each year of his life
- Reconnect with an old friend or several (these are some of my favorite friendships now!)
- Send a letter to someone
- Go to a concert... it's been awhile
- Go to a professional sporting event, besides basketball
- Go to another Broadway Play
- Teach Lucas how to read (I hope to complete this one before I am 29)
- Learn to make sushi at home
- Teach Lucas to ride a bike without training wheels
- Take a vacation with the girls
- Become an Auntie (thanks James and Alanna)
- Go to the Space Needle (everyone needs to play tourist from time to time)
- Learn to use Sign Language fluidly and incorporate it into my classroom
- Join a book club
- Hike Multnomah Falls or another area
- Get a dog
- Go to Vegas
Friday, July 16, 2010
7.16.10 -- My boy is back!
We spent the night at my parents house so that I could get up to do 10 miles in the morning. We had a delicious dinner and somehow Lucas managed to not meltdown when it was apparent that he had not gotten enough sleep over the past several days. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to have him back with me. Four days felt like a ridiculously long time. As much as Lucas can drive me CRAZY...and believe me, he does, I LOVE HIM and don't know what to do with him gone. He has been super snuggly and loving since coming home and I am just trying to enjoy that before he gets snarky again :) I have NO idea where the snarkiness could have come from, all.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
7.15.10 -- Books to read...
It has not been a spectacularly positive 48 hours for me and I am finding myself feeling rather blue. After spending WAY too long at IKEA with my mom today because she wanted to get me a mirror to go above my fireplace as a birthday present...but really I think she wanted to look around because we were there FOREVER. Have I mentioned my hatred for places like IKEA??? I probably have not, but I cannot stand places like that. People drive me insane, especially with that herding mentality. Another place that drives me this insane is Costco.
So, what did I do when we FINALLY got done at IKEA and got the mirror set up? Oh, yeah...I went to Costco. What the hell is wrong with me? I seriously think the samples they hand out make people stupid. They somehow forget that they are taking up full aisles and in everyone's way. I got a ton of produce and organic protein to get myself back on track with my meal plan. I found Lucas some great new educational materials from Brain Quest that he will love and some early reader books (super hero could we go wrong??). As I was getting ready to head to the front and deal with the lines my eyes fell upon a book at the end of the aisle...Jennifer Weiner's new book, Fly Away Home. I LOOOOOOVE Jennifer Weiner's books. They are books that make me laugh and cry and always seem to find me when I most need them. I am SO excited to read this from cover to the next 48 hours or less.
So this leads to me ask...what else should I read this summer? Please leave your suggestions here :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
7.14.10 -- Shocking
Jeff (4:22 pm): Text me the address please its in the car with me somewhere but can't find it (SHOCKING!)
Me: 13914 NW 3rd Ct 98785 (This is the address for Lucas's swimming lessons. I gave Jeff a post it on Monday with the address and telling him to be there NO LATER than 4:40...lessons start at 4:55)
Me: Oops 98685
Me: How far away are you
Jeff: By 84 (on a day with NO traffic it would take about 25 minutes)
Me (10 minutes later): Where are you now?
Jeff (4:48): Not moving on the bridge...I'm gettin sick of all this traffic every time! (Because CLEARLY it is the TRAFFIC's fault that you're late?!?! is rush hour in Portland...LEAVE THE HOUSE EARLIER!!! GOOD GOD! This is the man with a MILLION's never his fault)
Lucas showed up for swimming at 5:15...completely asleep in his car seat (like sweating and drooling asleep) . He swam like a rock star for the last 10 minutes of his lesson...but COME ON. Who does that? Just ONCE I want him to show up on time and do what he is supposed to. Man up and be a responsible parent. GOOD GOD!
I honestly do not believe that in the 8 years that I have known Jeff that he has EVER once accepted responsibility for any of mistakes...not to me, not to his ex, not to anyone. It is ALWAYS someone else's fault and I cannot stand it. Give me a break, man up and take responsibility for your choices!!!
Ugh...okay...rant over.
Tomorrow is the last day of week one for ESY. I am looking forward to a weekend right about now. I mentally need a break to try to figure something out. I'm exhausted mentally and physically and something's gotta give.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
7.13 -- I love my friends.
Monday, July 12, 2010
7.12 -- First day of ESY
Anyway, back to the actual topic of this blog. I showed up for ESY at 8:00 this morning (it starts at 8:30). When I arrived, I did not know where the buses planned to drop students off. I also was unable to log students on to complete this stupid reading program that their teacher based IEP goals on (which is TOTALLY illegal and STUPID), so I should be using it during ESY. However the computers did not cooperate and I was unable to log students on. SUPER! I had not planned a backup plan for their reading time. Apparently the universe worked in my favor, as my last bus didn't arrive until 9:25, and we missed reading time. However, it meant a trip to my real classroom to round up materials and to design lessons for these students for the next three weeks. Good times.
The other AWESOME part about today? I only knew four of the students I was assigned for ESY; two are from my class, one is from Jami's (my teaching partner) and one I had last summer. The other five I have never met and I have only received snippets of information from teachers. So, when the buses arrived I just read down the roster. So, I get to the second bus and read the roster. The bus driver says, "The only one I have is Milo" (or insert any other uncommon name you can think of here, as his name isn't really Milo). I claim the kiddo and we continue to wait for the next bus. I take all of the students inside and we complete our day. I keep thinking that "Milo" doesn't seem to match his IEP. The nurse comes in and brings me health care plans and medications for students. In this pile she has "Milo's" inhaler. I look at the picture on the medical sure doesn't look like him. At this point it is 11:15 (we get done at 11:30). I get on our IEP system online to check pictures. I find my "Milo"...he totally doesn't look like the "Milo" in my room. I look at the other "Milo"...yup, he belongs in the SCC classroom down the hall. OOPS! His teacher and I agreed that no one needed to know (hence I am blogging about it). Seriously...what are the chances of having two kids enrolled in ESY who have a super uncommon name and only one would show up the first day? It was a lovely day. What will tomorrow bring?
To add to the joy of my day...this is what my garage floor looks like:
Sunday, July 11, 2010
7.11 -- Happy Birthday Kaleb!
Today we went to Kaleb's first birthday party. He is such a cute little man! It was the perfect day for a birthday party in the park and everyone had an amazing time. Lucas had a blast playing on the playground and playing trucks with the birthday boy. It was hilarious to watch Kaleb with the cupcake...he was not quite so sure about that. Lucas, however, devoured two cupcakes (they were amazing). Lucas of course crashed on the way home after a busy weekend at his dad's house and is still napping...if only napping days happened more frequently!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
7.10 -- Perfect weekend and it's not over yet!
Cami and I had another great ride. We listened to a ridiculous comedy CD and laughed way too much and talked all the way home. I loved reminiscing about our ENTIRE friendship. We are ridiculous (I know I've said that five times, but we are). I love you Camarooni!
Friday, July 9, 2010
7.09 -- Congratulations Tai and Rachel!!!
Thank you Tai and Rachel for getting married and having the funnest (yes, Cami...I wrote it), most perfect wedding. Thank you Cami for being the best friend a girl could ask for. I have missed you way too much and we need to work on not being so awful at this communication thing. You're the best. Thank you boys for continuing to be so ridiculously entertaining. I am blessed to have made some of the best friends of my life when I was in junior high and high school and to still be so close. I love you all!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
7.08 -- A bonus
7.08 -- Holy hell, it's hot.
In other news. I got my hair cut yesterday, it is super short (almost too short for a ponytail), but I think that I like it.
I also weighed in today...this endless saga to get to my "goal" weight is oh so joyful. I am happy as I weigh less now than I did as a junior in college. I am getting so much closer to where I want to be and I feel so much better in my skin. Somehow, I actually barely gained anything last week after a highly glutenous week of delicious food and lots of booze at the beach with my parents. We'll see how successful I am this week after I spend the weekend in Mukilteo for Rachel and Tai's wedding! I am SO excited to see everyone, it has been far too long. Choosing a single picture for tomorrow or Saturday is going to be incredibly difficult!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
7.07 -- 25k. Check.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
7.06 -- Last day :(
Now I am home...unpacked (sort of) and trying to sort through the ridiculous amount of laundry we went through while gone. It is nice to be back, but there is a part of me that wishes we weren't. Tomorrow I walk 25k (or 15.5 miles). I am feeling pretty anxious about it, but I am sure it will be fine. At least we will done before the heat arrives!
Monday, July 5, 2010
7.05 -- Another beautiful day
Sunday, July 4, 2010
7.04 -- 4th of July!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
7.03 -- Beautiful day at the coast
It took awhile for the clouds to clear, but by lunch time it was gorgeous and over 70. We spent hours on the beach with Lucas running in and out of the waves and we all built a sandcastle and dad played his ukulele. It was a perfect day at the coast, you really couldn't ask for more.
Friday, July 2, 2010
7.02 -- Happy Birthday to me!
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