Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8.10.10 -- Oaks Park, head bumps and shrimp scampi

Lucas's first time on the roller coaster -- he got nervous the first time we went down and around a curve, but he thought it was pretty awesome.
He LOVED the boat that rocked and swiveled around in circles.
The little stinker wouldn't stop spinning our hot air balloon during the entire ride. Between this and the tilt-a-whirl I was starting to wonder when I got too old for rides. They never used to make me dizzy!

Lucas was playing in the living room while I was doing the dishes and I heard a crash. I turned off the water and ran into the living room to find Lucas on the ground between the couch and the coffee table. He told me that he had backed into the table, but I don't think that made much sense. I am assuming he was rough housing on the couch with Oscar and fell. He has a pretty big knot on the back of his head, but at least it only bled for a little while. I got him to lay with his head on a bag of peas and that seemed to help a bit. I suppose these are the natural consequences of rough housing on the furniture when he knows he is not supposed to...especially in that room.
I made yummy shrimp scampi for dinner -- the sauce had olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, green onions and parsley and was amazing. I know it looks like butter, but it definitely was not. Lucas also loved it!

Enter text here.Lucas is typically not a pasta kid...go figure that he would inhale plain, whole wheat spaghetti. Silly boy!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Boys will get lots of bumps and bruises. Head wounds bleed like crazy. Glad he is okay. Your shrimp scampi looks divine. I want some. :)