8.9.10 -- Sick little boy
I asked Lucas if he wanted to go to OMSI this morning...and he told me no. I honestly don't think this has ever happened, usually it's me saying no! This should have been my first hint to the fact that Lucas wasn't feeling 100%. However, I just assumed he was tired from a busy weekend at his dad's house. Around 11, I finally convinced him that we really needed to get out of the house and we went to Kid's Club to place since it was fairly cold outside. He played until about 1 and I think I had the easiest time ever getting him out of there. However, what shocked me the MOST was that when we got home I told Lucas it was time for a nap and he did not argue me at all. Seriously. Not even a word against taking a nap! Oscar went in to nap with Lucas and I am not quite sure what happened, but Oscar ended up scratching Lucas and there were tears. I kicked Oscar outside and went back to check on Lucas. While drying his tears I noticed he was rather warm. Well, I guess it all makes more sense. He has a fever teetering just below 100. I am hoping that after a lazy afternoon on the couch watching a movie after his nap that hopefully he will wake up fever free and we will be able to make it to Oaks Park for their preschool morning!What is rather ironic about Lucas being sick is that I was taking all sorts of crap from Jeff and his family for not letting Lucas be in Jeff's nephew's wedding today (at 7 pm) and now Lucas has a fever. Maybe it was mommy's intuition that it just wasn't a good idea...
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