We have gone several times this summer (seriously people, their summer pass is a great deal), and for the most part it hasn't been very busy. However...yesterday, a ridiculously large group (funny enough from Lake Oswego) with staff that liked to whistle and shout and kids who were extremely physical were there. When I had about had enough (after about an hour and 2 excedrin), I gave Lucas a 10 minute warning. However, has his time ran out he made a sweet little friend (named Finn) and they had too much fun. About the same time they took the noisy group into the pool and the airguns overheated and things got a lot quieter. After 3 hours of playing, I had a good window of opportunity because Finn had to leave for martial arts. Lucas had a blast and was EXHAUSTED! I honestly thought (and hoped) he would fall asleep on the short drive home, but he somehow held on. He laid down without issue for about 90 minutes and rested but never actually fell asleep.
By 7 he was ready for bed. I think he must be having a growth spurt. He is eating me out of house and home (seriously, this kid eats twice as much as I do and he weighs 37.6 pounds -- he wants to weigh 40 soooo badly to get out of his carseat and into a booster!). It is funny though, his dad's family wants him to be in a wedding on Monday that doesn't begin until 7...the kid can barely stay awake past 7. It's alright though...if that makes me over-baring, I'll take it.
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