After taking a hiatus from walking for 2 weeks (with the exception of a few 6ish mile walks barefoot on the beach), I was back at it this morning. After our 30k in mid-July I gave myself some horrendous blisters, including my first ever blood blister. My feet look like they've been to war. I have consulted specialists at two specialty shoe stores and both of them tell me things along the lines of, "wow, that's the worst I've ever seen" and sadly do not have any new suggestions for how to help my abused feet. So, I decided to give them time. Today we had 12 miles to walk and I elected to go for the flatter route in Portland. Still, by about mile 8 I could feel a new blister on my right foot (or a colony of 3 when I stopped to put a blister bandaid on). Despite the bandaid, they still burst while I was walking (what an awful feeling). I also ended up with one big one on my left foot. Hopefully if I spend the week doing the elliptical (in just socks at home), pilates, yoga and strength training, my body will be ready to walk next weekend despite not doing the midweek walks. My feet need to rest to have a chance in hell at doing 21 miles in two weeks. Blisters suck. (You don't want pictures of this).
After my walk I picked Lucas up from my parents house, where he was for my training yesterday until this morning so I could do my walk this morning. Lucas was super sweet and enjoying some morning snuggles with Grampa watching Batman. They are too funny. Lucas had practiced reading his book to Gramma and Grampa (he is SO proud of himself, which is good because we are all super proud of him too). We then stopped at the Howard's to return their stuff for the beach house they so kindly let us use. Lucas had the joy of waking up Carly (and later Jeremy). He also read them his story. I have another story to share about our visit, but I think I will save it for tomorrow.
Next stop...Courtney's princess party. Shockingly, Lucas refused to dress like a princess for the party, but he happily wore a Spiderman shirt for the occasion. (Side note: Lucas told my mom that he dreamed about Batman last night. My mom asked if Lucas got to be Robin. He looked at her like she was CRAZY and said no, Batman got to be Robin! I love this kid). The highlight of the party was definitely watching the kids whack the pinata. We had a great time and it was wonderful to catch up with Renee (although SO sad that she won't be back this year!)

We made it home around 4:40 or so after Lucas had a lovely meltdown when it was time to clean up and leave Courtney's party. I told him he needed to go and lay down for awhile and told him to set the timer. He chose to not set the timer and just went to lay down. After about 40 minutes he asked if he could come out of his room. I told him just a few minutes and I would come and get him up. When I went in about 15 minutes later he was completely asleep. I tried to wake him up at 6 (I picked him up, snuggled him, kissed him, talked to him) and resigned to the fact that it would take some time. This was after he went back to sleep:

He finally decided to get up around 7:00. He had dinner, completed two reading lessons (like a rock star), got ready for bed, read me a Bob book and went back to sleep. I think he must be growing. I think the super short jammies that are a size 4 and were too big at the beginning of the summer might be a slight indicator...apparently they are going to be capris now. He insisted on wearing them tonight, but they will be retired after this evening.

After my walk I picked Lucas up from my parents house, where he was for my training yesterday until this morning so I could do my walk this morning. Lucas was super sweet and enjoying some morning snuggles with Grampa watching Batman. They are too funny. Lucas had practiced reading his book to Gramma and Grampa (he is SO proud of himself, which is good because we are all super proud of him too). We then stopped at the Howard's to return their stuff for the beach house they so kindly let us use. Lucas had the joy of waking up Carly (and later Jeremy). He also read them his story. I have another story to share about our visit, but I think I will save it for tomorrow.
Next stop...Courtney's princess party. Shockingly, Lucas refused to dress like a princess for the party, but he happily wore a Spiderman shirt for the occasion. (Side note: Lucas told my mom that he dreamed about Batman last night. My mom asked if Lucas got to be Robin. He looked at her like she was CRAZY and said no, Batman got to be Robin! I love this kid). The highlight of the party was definitely watching the kids whack the pinata. We had a great time and it was wonderful to catch up with Renee (although SO sad that she won't be back this year!)
We made it home around 4:40 or so after Lucas had a lovely meltdown when it was time to clean up and leave Courtney's party. I told him he needed to go and lay down for awhile and told him to set the timer. He chose to not set the timer and just went to lay down. After about 40 minutes he asked if he could come out of his room. I told him just a few minutes and I would come and get him up. When I went in about 15 minutes later he was completely asleep. I tried to wake him up at 6 (I picked him up, snuggled him, kissed him, talked to him) and resigned to the fact that it would take some time. This was after he went back to sleep:
He finally decided to get up around 7:00. He had dinner, completed two reading lessons (like a rock star), got ready for bed, read me a Bob book and went back to sleep. I think he must be growing. I think the super short jammies that are a size 4 and were too big at the beginning of the summer might be a slight indicator...apparently they are going to be capris now. He insisted on wearing them tonight, but they will be retired after this evening.
He is getting so big!!! What a cutie!
I mention these shoes to every person I meet that does a lot of walking and running (thank you for NOT posting pictures) but they are Vibram Five Fingers. Basically like walking/running barefoot. May be worth a shot. Sounds like you have some issues with sensitive feet/skin. Are you soaking them each evening in Epsom salts?
Have you tried the Five Fingers or know anyone who has? I've seen them but never tried them. I have some super sensitive skin on my feet -- never had any problems before I started training for the marathon though! I need to get more diligent about soaking my feet. I have been spending a lot of time researching remedies for my busted up feet. Hopefully they toughen up!
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