6.28 -- Lazy mornings
Lucas has always been an early riser, and he consistently wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00...every morning. It really doesn't matter if it is a weekday or the weekend, a holiday, summer vacation, fall, winter...seriously, it doesn't matter. This kid has an internal alarm clock that never seems to fail. Even if he goes to bed late, he wakes up early. When I woke up this morning and looked at the clock expecting to see something that began with a 5 or 6 since the house was still silent, I was surprised to see it was already 8:30. As I lay there taking in the silence, I realized I could hear a few sounds...like the obnoxious birds outside enjoying the sunshine and Lucas's quiet little snores...yup, he was still out like a light. I went in to check on him and he was completely out (hence the picture above). Watching him sleep cracks me up. He oscillates between sleeping like me (curled up in a ball with at least one foot kicked out from the covers) or on his back with his leg crossed at the knee and his hands above his head. He's pretty sweet to watch sleep. Anyway, he didn't wake up until 9:45. I think that was definitely a record for him.
He spent the weekend at his dad's, which usually wears him out. They keep a different schedule, there are more kids there, and he never naps...so it usually takes some time to recover. He also woke up with a super stuffy nose and a bad cough. He seems to have caught a bug over there...not the same bug I had last week, unfortunately. I only say unfortunately because that one only lasted about 24 hours of a super stuffed up head and lots of sneezing. Hopefully he is over this quickly, as we are off to the coast on Thursday or Friday until about Tuesday. I am ready to get out of town and to enjoy some time at the ocean!
For now, we are snuggled on the couch getting ready to watch a movie. I sense some snuggles, lunch and a nap in his future and hopefully tomorrow he will be ready to get out of here and have some fun!
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